Yep, that about sums up how I feel. Have a good weekend and see you on Monday with another all-new It Came From IFC.
What can I say about Robot Monster that hasn’t been said before? It is a true masterpiece of schlock and holds a special place in the hearts of all the cast and crew of MMTV. No movie is as intertwined in the daily goings on here. For what it lacks in story it makes up for in the insane special effects and monster design, and I’m not talking Michael Bay SFX – I’m talking not having the $1.60 to buy fishing line so it can’t be seen on film and using some poor crew member’s shoe laces to fly two aluminum pie pans into the scene.
The evil alien Ro-Man Extension XJ-2 (called "Ro-Man" by the humans) has destroyed all human life on Earth, except for eight humans, using the "Calcinator Death Ray". The survivors include an elderly scientist, his wife, two daughters and son, his young assistant and two pilots taking a spacecraft to an orbiting space platform. All eight have developed an immunity to the death ray since receiving an experimental antibiotic serum developed by the scientist.
Ro-Man must complete the destruction of all humans, even if it means physically killing them one by one, before his mission to subjugate the Earth is complete. After fruitless negotiations, he destroys the rocket ship headed for the orbiting platform with a laser. He later strangles the youngest daughter, Carla, off-screen and tosses the assistant scientist Roy over a cliff.
His mission is waylaid, though, after he develops illogical attraction for Alice, the eldest daughter. He refuses to eliminate her, forcing the alien leader, "The Great Guidance", to personally finish the genocide by killing Ro-Man right after he kills Johnny, the young son. He then releases prehistoric dinosaurs and a massive earthquake, rendering the scientist, his wife and Alice as the only humans left.
Ultimately the youngest family member, the son, wakes up after suffering a mild concussion, revealing that the film had presumably all been a dream. However, The Great Guidance is then seen coming out of a cave (three times in a row).
Twenty-five-year-old writer/director Phil Tucker made Robot Monster in four days for an estimated $16,000. The film is similar in plot to Invaders from Mars, released a month earlier by Fox. Both pictures contain a young boy stumbling upon an alien invasion who is captured as he struggles to save his family and himself. As the alien commences the final destruction of earth the boy awakens to find it was all a dream. Despite rumors to the contrary, the film did receive some decent reviews and grossed $1,000,000 in its initial release, more than sixty times its original investment. Except for a few scenes at a house, most footage was filmed outdoors in Bronson Canyon, the site of innumerable motion pictures and TV settings.
The score was composed by Elmer Bernstein, who also composed Cat Women of the Moon the same year, and, much more prestigiously The Great Escape, The Magnificent Seven, The Ten Commandments and Michael Jackson's Thriller.
The film's special f/x include stock footage from 1940's One Million B.C., 1951's Lost Continent, and Flight to Mars spliced into the film. Within the first viewscreen footage is a brief appearance of the Rocketship X-M ship during its initial boarding. A matte painting of ruins of New York City was included from Captive Women.
The budget did not allow for a robot costume as intended so Tucker used his friend George Barrows who had his own gorilla suit to play Ro-Man. Tucker added the helmet.
The film was shot and projected in dual-strip, polarized 3-D. The stereoscopic photography in the film is considered by many critics to be of a high quality, especially by a crew who had no experience with the newly developed camera rig.
In the film's opening credits, "N. A. Fischer Chemical Products" is given prominent credit for the "Billion Bubble Machine", used in the film as part of Ro-Man's communication device for reporting to his superior.
Robot Monster was originally released with the 3 Dimensional Pictures short Stardust in Your Eyes, starring nightclub comedian Trustin Howard as Slick Slaven.
Giant crab monsters that eat the brains of the poor fools trapped on the island and then talk in the victims voice to lure the remain people to their doom. Yep, they really made a movie with that plot…Did I mention it’s from Roger Corman?
A group of scientists land on a remote island in the Pacific to search for a previous expedition that disappeared and to continue research about the effects of radiation from the Bikini Atoll nuclear tests on the island's plant and sea life. They learn to their horror that the earlier group of scientists have been eaten by mutated giant crabs that have gained intelligence by absorbing the minds of their victims. Members of the current expedition are systematically attacked and killed by the crabs, which are invulnerable to most weaponry because of the mutation in their cell structure. Finally, they discover the crabs are the cause of the earthquakes and landslides that are destroying the island. As the remaining expedition members struggle to survive on the ever-shrinking island, they must also find a way to stop the crabs before they reproduce and invade the oceans of the world.
Writer Charles B. Griffith described the scripting process later:
Roger came to me and said, "I want to make a picture called Attack of the Giant Crabs, and I asked, "Does it have to be atomic radiation?" He responded, "Yes." He said it was an experiment. "I want suspense or action in every scene. No kind of scene without suspense or action." His trick was saying it was an experiment, which it wasn't. He just didn't want to bother cutting out the other scenes, which he would do.
Griffith also appeared in a small role and directed some underwater sequences.
The film was Corman's most profitable production to date, which he attributed to the "wildness of the title", the construction of the storyline, the structuring of every scene for horror and suspense and editing for pace. As a side note, The Macra Terror - A classic Doctor Who serial that follows a similar plot.
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"From Beyond" is a short story by science fiction and horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. It was written in 1920 and was first published in The Fantasy Fan in June 1934 (Vol. 1, No. 10).
The story is told from the first person perspective of an unnamed narrator and details his experiences with a scientist named Crawford Tillinghast. Tillinghast creates an electronic device that emits a resonance wave, which stimulates an affected person’s pineal gland, thereby allowing them to perceive planes of existence outside the scope of accepted reality.
Sharing the experience with Tillinghast, the narrator becomes cognizant of a translucent, alien environment that overlaps our own recognized reality. From this perspective, he witnesses hordes of strange and horrific creatures that defy description. Tillinghast reveals that he has used his machine to transport two of his house servants into the overlapping plane of reality. He also reveals that the effect works both ways, and allows the denizens of the alternate dimension to perceive humans. Tillinghast's house servants were attacked and killed by one such entity, and Tillinghast informs the narrator that it is right behind him. Terrified beyond measure, the narrator picks up a gun and shoots it at the machine, destroying it. Tillinghast dies immediately thereafter as a result of apoplexy. The police investigate the scene and it is placed on record that Tillinghast murdered the two house servants.
From Beyond is a 1986 American science fiction-body horror film directed by Stuart Gordon, loosely based on the short story of the same name by H. P. Lovecraft. It was written by Dennis Paoli, Gordon and Brian Yuzna, and stars Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Ken Foree and Ted Sorel.
From Beyond centers around a pair of scientists attempting to stimulate the pineal gland with a device called The Resonator. An unforeseen result of their experiments is the ability to perceive creatures from another dimension that proceed to drag the head scientist into their world, returning him as a grotesque shape-changing monster that preys upon the others at the laboratory.
The opening of the film pretty much mirrors the short story with the exception that Jeffrey Combs plays the role of Tillinghast the assistant to Dr. Edward Pretorius who creates The Resonator. The short story ends with the destruction of The Resonator but that is only the back story for the film. After being arrested for the murder of Dr. Pretorius, Tillinghast must convince the authorities that his story is true so he must repair and activate The Resonator. What follows is just what you would expect from a Lovecraft inspired tale – insanity, unspeakable horrors and nudity.
If the cast and crew seem familiar that would be Stuart Gordon’s desire to recreate the working environment from Re-animator. Gordon cut his directing teeth in the world of theater so he liked to work with the same people all the time but that just makes a more iconic production. In my opinion Lovecraft is best when Yuzna, Gordon and Combs are involved.
How about some obscure references to pad out the article?
Ghoulies II (1988) -- The artwork for From Beyond is seen on one of the exterior walls of Satan's Den.
Slither (2006) -- Grant Grant's monstrous transformation is based after Dr. Pretorius return "from beyond."
Planet Terror (2007) -- Both films feature doctors named Doctor Block/Bloch (pronounced the same), and the female Dr. Block appears to have been made up to look exactly like Barbara Crampton in From Beyond. Also, her son's line about "I'm going to eat your brain and gain your knowledge" is a reference to a major plot point in From Beyond.
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Just wanted to let you know that I had scheduled tonight’s WTF Wednesday to feature “Southland Tales” but after six years of doing this thing we have come across a film that is beyond redemption. I couldn’t get past the 20 minute mark. Please do not watch this film. For the sake of the children and all future children just pretend this movie never existed. If you are a sadist and/or a masochist then I offer up once again a man I hold in high regard, Linkara at Atop the Forth Wall. His review will explain everything.
Atop the Forth Wall: Southland Tales
I will be back later tonight with an alternative title.
In a small Maryland town, the suicide of an outcast teenager triggers a string of violent suicides. These suicides seem to stem from a curse which spreads when any person, who witnesses the suicide, is possessed by an evil force that appears as the person's doppelganger that only they can see. A young teenager, named Lindsey, thinks there is a connection of the events to Aidan, the outcast brother of the first suicide case. But Lindsay must race against the clock when she witnesses her mother fall victim, and must try to find a way to stop the curse before it kills her too. Meanwhile the God-fearing townspeople, led by a fanatic preacher with a connection to the events also, form a vigilante group to take the law in their own hands.
I was going to write about a different movie today but since I literally just watched this film today on IFC I figured it trumped the one I was going to do. Didn’t want to do that movie anyway.
The cable guide said this is a Christian horror film but I have issues with that as I will point out shortly. So Aiden and his brother are pissed off at the very God fearing town for persecuting and murdering their mother ten years earlier for the unforgivable sin of being a Wiccan. So they discover a spell book that includes the incantation to unleash the above mentioned curse and in their rage do just that very thing. The price of the spell is heavy and the brother kills himself to set the ball in motion, exit first major character and enter bizarre makeup effects and creepy jump cut editing.
It might be hard to tell but I actually kind of liked this film. The dialogue was decent, the characters were well constructed and over all the plot made sense and advanced at a decent pace. What I did not like is the following points within that same plot. A forced exorcism on our main character (That’s Lindsey to the left there), a mob killing of the only non-Christian in town, a minor character performs a rape in the name of Jesus and then sets the women on fire. Come to think of it there is a lot of violence in the name of Christ in this movie. All in all it’s not a terrible 90 minutes but prepare yourself to get angry, unless you’re a hard core fundamentalist in which case you might think it’s the best movie ever.
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That court mandated “quiet time” I referenced a few days ago gave me the opportunity to acquaint myself with a majority of the work of Lovecraft, his influences and his contemporaries and although I realize not everyone will share my views I believe his writings have influenced far more authors and directors than most people realize. So let’s deconstruct John Wood Campbell’s “Who Goes There” and the three major films it has inspired. As a side note ITunes seems to be shuffling the greatest hits of 70’s, 80’s and 90’s dance music so this may get surreal at some point.
Who Goes There? is a science fiction novella by John W. Campbell, Jr. originally under the pen name Don A. Stuart, published August 1938 in Astounding Stories. In 1973, the story was voted by the Science Fiction Writers of America as one of the finest science fiction novellas ever written, and published with the other top vote-getters in The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two.
A group of scientific researchers, isolated in Antarctica, discover an alien spaceship buried in the ice. They try to thaw the inside of the spacecraft with a thermite charge, but end up accidentally destroying it when the ship's magnesium hull is ignited by the charge. However they do recover the alien pilot, which the researchers believe was searching for heat when it froze. Thawing the alien revives the being, which can assume the shape, memories, and personality of any living thing it devours. It immediately becomes the crew's physicist, a man named Connant, and with some 90 pounds of its matter left it tries to become a sled dog. They kill the alien as it becomes the dead dog.
The researchers try to figure out who may have been replaced by the alien, simply referred to as the Thing, and to then destroy the surrogates before they can escape and take over the world. Ultimately, they realize that even small pieces of the aliens will behave as independent organisms, and use this weakness to test which men have been "converted" by taking blood samples from everyone on the base and dipping a hot wire in the vial of blood. Each man's blood is tested, one at a time, and the donor is immediately killed if his blood recoils from the wire. The original Thing had (unbeknownst to the researchers) taken control of a man named Blair, who'd had a nervous breakdown when they discovered the creature's abilities and had accordingly been isolated to a small cabin. With the monsters inside the base destroyed, the surviving humans enter the cabin to find and kill the creature which had once been Blair, just as it finishes building an anti-gravity harness that would have allowed it to escape.
I find it interesting that pieces of the original plot would find their way into the 1951 and 1982 movies, destroyed spaceship by thermite charge in the 1951 version and the hot wire to find the alien in the 1982 version but these seem to be exclusive to their respective movies. One of the things I really like about the novella is the snippets of internal dialogue of the one infected. Campbell did a good job of using the “host’s” words and cadence while communicating the thoughts of the alien.
The story is of an Air Force crew & scientists at a remote Arctic research outpost forced to defend themselves from a malevolent plant-based alien being. It stars Kenneth Tobey, Margaret Sheridan, Robert Cornthwaite and Douglas Spencer. James Arness played The Thing, but he is difficult to recognize in costume and makeup, because of both the lighting and the other effects used to obscure his features.
No actors are named during the film's dramatic opening credits; the cast credits appear at the end of the film. The movie was partly filmed in Glacier National Park and interior sets built at a Los Angeles ice storage plant. In 2001, the film was deemed to be a "culturally, historically or aesthetically" significant motion picture by the United States Library of Congress and was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.
This is one of the classic movies that I can and have watched every time I have come across it on the cable guide. For a film from the 50’s it actually has a few scenes that would have been controversial at the time for example but not limited to the green house scene where the doctor is feeding The Thing’s seedlings bottles of human blood. I can hear the gasps from the audience now. The scene when the humans set fire to the alien and the barracks had to be a one take shot and I’m not sure how they kept from burning down the set let alone how no one got third degree burns. Did I mention it’s a seven foot carnivorous carrot. This is of course the film that the two following will be judged by most people but I will be examining all three as separate unrelated films and instead compare them to the original novella.
Before I start talking about the 1982 film we need a quick refresher on At The Mountains of Madness.
At the Mountains of Madness is a novella by horror writer H. P. Lovecraft, written in February/March 1931 and rejected that year by Weird Tales editor Farnsworth Wright on the grounds of its length. It was originally serialized in the February, March and April 1936 issues of Astounding Stories. It has been reproduced in numerous collections.
The story has inadvertently popularized the concept of ancient astronauts, as well as Antarctica's place in the "ancient astronaut mythology".
Miskatonic University of Arkham, Massachusetts, sends a scientific expedition to explore the snowy wastes of Antarctica. Once there the team uses experimental drilling equipment to search for fossils from the days when Antarctica was a steaming, prehistoric jungle. In an icy cavern members of the expedition discover perfectly preserved specimens of a winged, column-like creature and bring them back to camp for study.
Informed of the momentous find by radio, the unnamed expedition leader and a companion race to the scene. When they arrive they discover the camp destroyed, the men and sled dogs alike slaughtered and dissected. The mysterious specimens are missing along with some scientific equipment and one team member. Suspecting mutiny or perhaps insanity the team leader sets off into the mountains, following the tracks of a hastily constructed sledge and footprints that are decidedly inhuman. Almost willfully blind to the truth until too late, the scientists realize the alien specimens were only hibernating and now seek to return to the ancient pre-human city that is their home. What follows is a story told in hieroglyphs, recording the rise and fall of an alien empire that genetically engineered man as a buffoonish, ape-like jester to amuse their inhuman intellects. The explorers must try to escape not only the city, but also the mindless, protoplasmic slaves who built it for their slumbering creators.
In the midst of the Antarctica snowfield, the scientists and workers of a small American research base are shocked when a helicopter begins to circle their camp, chasing and shooting at a dog. When the helicopter is destroyed and the passengers are killed, the dog is let into the base and the American's begin to wonder what has actually happened. The helicopter has Norwegian markings, must be from the Norwegian base not too far from their own. A team of Americans are sent to the Norwegian base and find out what has happened. On arrival, they find that the place has been totally destroyed. They also discover a mangled body that looks as though it was once that of a person, which they bring back with them for further study. It is only then that the clues begin to add up; the dog morphs horribly into a strange creature that attacks the researchers. They manage to fight it off, but they come to a terrible conclusion: an alien with the power to transform and take the appearance of anybody else is amongst them. Who is infected already, and who can be trusted? Helicopter pilot J.R Macready sets out to find the answers to exactly that.
I once read in an interview with John Carpenter that he intentionally was trying to combine At The Mountains of Madness and The Thing, my opinion is it worked. Desolate isolation, tentacle monsters and a heavy atmosphere of depression are items shared by both works. Oddly, when I was younger I couldn’t stand his movie and it actually took me until I was in my 30’s before sitting through it from start to finish. I have since changed my mind and believe this is a great film. In addition to the Lovecraft imagery in the aliens it is also worth noting that is was not meant to be a remake of the 1951 film but a version closer to the novella. If there is nothing else, watching Wilford Brimley be all creepy and torn apart by a monster is well worth the 109 minutes.
But even when I didn’t think much of this film the scene of the sled dog running with the helicopter chasing it piqued my curiosity. I wanted to know that story as well so when I first heard of a prequel being made I of course was excited to finally find out what happened when the Norwegians encountered the alien…
Antarctica: an extraordinary continent of awesome beauty. It is also home to an isolated outpost where a discovery full of scientific possibility becomes a mission of survival when an alien is unearthed by a crew of international scientists. The shape-shifting creature, accidentally unleashed at this marooned colony, has the ability to turn itself into a perfect replica of any living being. It can look just like you or me, but inside, it remains inhuman. In the thriller The Thing, paranoia spreads like an epidemic among a group of researchers as they're infected, one by one, by a mystery from another planet. Paleontologist Kate Lloyd (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) has traveled to the desolate region for the expedition of her lifetime. Joining a Norwegian scientific team that has stumbled across an extraterrestrial ship buried in the ice, she discovers an organism that seems to have died in the crash eons ago. But it is about to wake up. When a simple experiment frees the alien from its frozen prison, Kate must join the crew's pilot, Carter (Joel Edgerton), to keep it from killing them off one at a time. And in this vast, intense land, a parasite that can mimic anything it touches will pit human against human as it tries to survive and flourish. The Thing serves as a prelude to John Carpenter's classic 1982 film of the same name.
Oh Boy, this movie sucks! That scene I mentioned above with the sled dog, it’s weaved into the closing credits. Like they forgot this was supposed to be a prequel and just threw it on at the end to have it connect with the 1982 film. Still Antarctica and still a tentacle monster but now the special effects look like crap and the acting is stiff and looks like no one really wanted to be in this thing. If you are interested in the opinion of someone I regard with awe and respect then please point your browser to Linkara at Atop The Forth Wall and watch his excellent video on the novella, two movies and the comic book incarnations of The Thing: Part 1 and Part 2.
Whoa, that took way longer to write than i expected. Just made it Cthulhu CFriday.
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While I do that why don't you stop by the site and check out what i have done to it.
Now that I have completed my state mandated “quiet time” I have happy to announce the following two statements.
One, we have overhauled the look of the website and although we will be tweaking the details over the next few weeks I hope you find the new look to be appealing.
Two, Starting Monday December 10, 2012 we will be going back to a more regular posting schedule. I hope to have a new original article for you guys on a weekdaily, that’s a word right?, basis. In the meantime please bask in the glow of a Cthulhu Christmas tree.